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As of - Idioms by The Free Dictionary as of At or on a certain time or date; commencing on or from a certain time or date. As of Monday, an interim governor will take over duties until an emergency election is held. As of 9 AM, we've learned that as many as five companies are involved in the insider trading scandal. See also: of as of From, at, or until a given time. For example, As of five AS 女鞋官方网站 { English} { 中文} Copyright © 2020 AS international co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved 粤ICP备15073128号-1粤 as.as的用法以及汉语意思_作业帮 2017-10-20 AS ONE 亚速旺(上海)商贸

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as (something) as (something) A phrase used to compare two things and show the similarities between them. That dog is as big as a small horse, so I'm definitely not going over there! as . . . as Also, so . . . as. Used with an adjective or adverb to show similarity or equality of one thing with another. The as . . . as construction appears in numerous As Long As You Love Me (Album Version)_Justin …

آس آرابيا هو النسخة العربية من موقع آس الإسباني، ويضم مواضيع يومية ومقالات رأي ومقابلات. يهتم الموقع بأخبار الرياضة، وعلى رأسها كرة القدم والسلة وفورمولا 1 والتنس

2014-6-1 · as 可理解为:用作、当成,作为;一般是重命名列名或者表名。例如有表table, 列 column_1,column_2 你可以写成 select column_1 as 列1,column_2 as 列2 from table as 表上面的语句就可以解释为,选择 column_1 作为 列1,column_2 C#中 As 和强制转换的总结 - JK_Rush - 博客园 - … 2011-5-13